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Saturday, May 3, 2014

February 15, 2009 - Express.co.uk - Anthony Head (UTHER PENDRAGON) - new foul comedy "Free Agents"

Is this the foulest 'comedy' ever?

TV watchdog Ofcom is preparing for a wave of complaints this week over the shocking language used in a Channel 4 sitcom.

BLUNT SPEAKERS Agents Sharon Horgan Stephen Mangan and Anthony Head
BLUNT SPEAKERS: Agents Sharon Horgan, Stephen Mangan and Anthony Head
The c-word featured three times in the new comedy, Free Agents, first aired last Friday.
Actor Anthony Head plays the head of a talent agency in the six-part series, written by Chris Niel and described as a caustic romantic comedy.
Head, who became famous in the cult show Buffy The Vampire Slayer, said: “Free Agents is a very adult show but it is very ­funny, and I get to say words I’ve never said on ­television before. It’s very ­liberating.”

In the first few minutes, Head’s character Stephen Cauldwell said: “Good morning, my dear c***s.” The f-word also featured 22 times in the half-hour episode.

Mediawatch spokesman John Beyer said: “The obscene language in this programme is appalling by any standard. It shows a disregard of public concern that is completely unacceptable from a public service broadcaster.
“We invite readers to sign our Stop Swearing on TV online petition to the Prime Minister and we call again on the regulator, ­Ofcom, to rewrite the terms of its Broadcasting Code so that offensive language of this sort and ­intensity attracts substantial fin­ancial penalties.” An Ofcom spokesman said: “All TV stations must abide by our Broadcasting Code.”

The content of the show is bound to ­offend viewers, with the ­female lead played by Sharon Horgan, the sister of Irish rugby star Shane Horgan, “celebrating” the anniversary of her boyfriend’s death by sleeping with her colleague Alex (Stephen ­Mangan).
ITV has also recently received complaints about the drama Trial And Retribution, where the f-word was used frequently throughout an episode just two weeks ago ­despite boss Michael Grade’s ­attack on the “indiscriminate” use of bad language on the channel.

An ITV spokesman said: “We constantly keep public concerns about language under review and are mindful of the regulatory requirements to observe generally accepted standards. Language is always given careful consideration in terms of editorial context.”

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