Was 'Merlin's return a magical one?
Published Sunday, Sep 20 2009, 1:00am EDT | By Ben Rawson-Jones | 40 comments
Prince Arthur and his wannabe-wench Merlin appeared to have gradually developed a bond (just about platonic!) during the first season and we felt a real sense of progression in terms of their rewarding relationship. However, the pair seem to have regressed back to their early days together - especially with the speed at which Arthur mistrusts, chastises and 'dumps' his loyal servant in favor of total stranger Cedric. "I just want Arthur to trust me and see me for who I am," whines Merlin, presumably before he reaches for the medieval equivalent of a Barbra Streisand LP.
Conversely, this fight for Arthur's attention also serves up some of the episode's strongest material as Cedric slyly plots to sabotage Merlin's duties and steal his thunder. It's hard not to giggle when Arthur finds Merlin passed out in the stable, face lodged in manure and oblivious to the fact that the horses have been unleashed. "Have you been at the cider?" amusingly asks the Prince.
The visual feel and scope of the episode is more impressive than ever, particularly with the eerie and atmospheric sequences of the winged creatures attacking the Camelot residents under the striking moonlight. The scene with the Dragon and Merlin was aesthetically pleasing too, and also featured an exchange between the pair that fortunately didn't end in the usual cryptic clue from the fire-breathing beast. Merlin's promise to release him could lead to some intriguing developments somewhere down the line. If only Merlin could promise the luscious Morgana some more screen time…
This episode, 'The Curse of Cornelius Sigan', could have seamlessly fitted into Merlin's first season midway through. In one respect, such familiarity reminds us why these characters quickly endeared themselves to millions of viewers. It also highlights that the show will need to stray from the formula and find more narrative magic if it's going to hang around on our screens long enough to see the Dragon released.
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