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Monday, February 4, 2013

7.13.2009 Merlin Review of 1.6

IMHO "Merlin" (1: 6): Hoyay among the over 50 set?

*Deep extended sigh*
It looks as if Merlin is yet another one of those shows that has a few terrific episodes ... followed by a complete stinker.
Last night's episode, "A Remedy to Cure All Ills," was that stinker.
Yet another evil magician, Edwin, attacks Camelot, this time disguised as a healer. Honestly, Uther's "ban" on magic is turning out to be about as successful as the U.S.'s war on drugs. (Except, unlike the war on drugs, Uther's War on Magic also puts the kingdom at a huge disadvantage when it comes to taking on their magic-using enemies!)
Anyway, Gaius finds out that Edwin is the son of two sorcerers killed years ago by Uther, and that he's come back to the kingdom to seek his revenge on the king. But Edwin has since also discovered that Merlin is a wizard and threatens to spill the beans to Uther if Gaius tells the king about him.
In other words, Gaius must choose: Merlin or King Uther.
He chooses Merlin, natch, but honestly, I was pretty bored by the whole episode. It seemed like one contrivance after another. Edwin, who no one has ever met before, insists on attending to Morgana completely alone — and everyone is okay with that?
Edwin just happens to discover that Merlin is a magician — despite the fact that this is something that Merlin is supposed to keep totally secret and that will result in his death if he's discovered?
And then there's the squandered storyline about Gaius, who, it turns out, is something of a coward. He flees the kingom at the first sign of danger, but does eventually return to "redeem" himself, only to end up being completely useless anyway.
It's Merlin who saves the day. How? Because he just happens to be walking by carrying some towels!
There also wasn't the slightest bit of hoyay — unless you count those moments between Gaius and Uther. S.A.G.E. members, unite!
Kiss him, you fool!
I was also annoyed that it’s the sixth episode, and the women in the cast still have almost nothing to do. Worse, from the preview, I see that next week brings yet another evil witch. So basically all the powerful women in this show are evil?
Come on. The show is set in the 9th century — that doesn’t mean it has to reflect that era’s attitudes toward women.
Likewise, it’s a tad annoying with so few burn survivors on television, one of the very few has to be evil, hell-bent on revenge.
I’m also growing disturbed that Merlin’s magic seems to have no real limits — or, rather, Merlin is exactly as powerful as the episode calls for him to be.
On the plus side, it was nice to have the dragon back. And I noticed for the first time what a great nose Colin Morgan has, especially in profile.
What a great nose!

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