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Thursday, December 26, 2013

February 4, 2013 - Season 5, Episode 13 Alternate Merlin Series Finale #1 - Diamond Of The Day

ow I would have liked the series to end (synopsis)...

As many have said already on this message board, the series finale was really really disappointing; all the hints about Merlin's destiny and Arthur's reign as a peaceful king throughout the five series' didn't come to fruition.

Despite the promises from the Dragon and other story arcs/hints that Arthur and Merlin would work together as a team, Camelot would accept magic again and Merlin would fulfill his destiny as the greatest wizard of all time none of this took place.

Ugh, it was so disappointing and for me it ruined the emotional impact of the previous four series'!

Anyway, this is what my alternative ending would have been (which in fact could have been developed into a 6th series & rounded up everything nicely):-

Yes, the writers wanted to stick to the legend that Arthur died at the hands of Mordred but this needn't have meant killing Arthur as a young man. The TV show was always promoted to be like Smallville (i.e. that Merlin and Arthur are young and they will go on to achieve great things together).

So, instead of Mordred's sword killing Arthur immediately, I would have preferred if Merlin had been able to prevent the shard travelling to Arthur's heart with some of his powerful magic (aided by the dragon). It would be suggested in the story that Arthur would still die by Mordred's sword as Merlin would be unable to stop the shard from travelling to his heart indefinitely, but it would prolong Arthur's death by another 20 years.

Arthur would know about this and during his recovery would have to spend time with Merlin, getting used to the fact that his best friend has been lying to him for so long yet at the same time has prevented his untimely death. This could even have involved some comedic moments between the two where Arthur gets back to Camelot and refuses to talk to Merlin but doesn't tell Gwen why and she is caught between the two. 

Once Arthur begins to realise the devotion that Merlin has had to him he goes on a quest to discover all he can about Emrys and in so doing comes to the conclusion that Camelot needs to have magic in order to prosper.

He makes up with Merlin and promotes him to his chief adviser (which is what he is in the legend) along with support from Gwen and his knights. Merlin takes up his place at the round table and helps bring peace to the lands of Camelot.

Morgana should also have remained alive in order to be the bad magic nemesis to Arthur's good magic. It would have filled her with horror to realise that the excuse she had always been using to fight against Arthur (i.e. that magic was banned in Camelot) was no longer true and that Emrys was now her most powerful enemy.

The druids would have featured in this story also and would come to claim their allegiance to Arthur and Merlin against Morgana causing her to be more isolated from the rest of the magic community. Mordred should also have survived and slowly have come to realise what a terrible mistake he had made in siding with Morgana as the peace of Camelot and the embracing of magic takes place. He would be the one to turn on Morgana in the end after a bitter internal struggle about right and wrong. His guilt at knowing he will cause the death of Arthur eventually will prove too much for him and he would blame Morgana for corrupting him.

The dragon would die in this sixth (final) series, but not before blessing Arthur and giving some of his power over to Merlin as the last dragon lord.

Arthur would make peace with all the other communities that practice magic that had been persecuted under his father's reign. Camelot would become the kingdom in the legends.

The last episode would show Arthur older and near death (the shard from Mordred's sword has finally reached his heart), accepting his final journey and gladly going to the other side knowing that he has restored Camelot to the glorious kingdom that it was of old. Merlin would be by his side and they would say goodbye as friends and comrades.


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